The “never-ending” roadworks in a Moray town are to be raised in the Scottish Parliament this week.
A local authority has published the outcomes from the town centre health checks which were carried out across its region last year.
The A90 is set to benefit from a £942,000 investment that will deliver improvements to the road surface.
A timeline for dualling of the A96 between Inverness and Nairn will take at least a year to be published, it has been revealed.
Two chamber groups have come together to send a message to the Scottish Government.
Closures are set to affect three local roads.
A new campaign has been launched to highlight the dangers road workers face from incursions caused by drivers ignoring traffic management measures.
Chamber of commerce leader claims move would hurt local business
Motorists have been advised that Amey will undertake resurfacing work on the A90 road.
A 26-year-old died and an 18-year-old was taken to hospital after an early morning crash.