A number of schools will remain closed on January 6 due to poor weather.
As 2024 draws to a close, Provost of Aberdeenshire Judy Whyte has reflected on the year.
Aberdeenshire Council is developing a new strategy to safeguard the local economy and make it more sustainable for the benefit of its communities.
Council-owned car parks in Banff and Fraserburgh are to keep their free spaces due to concerns charging for them would harm the town centres.
Hundreds of needy kids across the north-east will be getting a pedal-powered festive boost thanks to a charity initiative
Aberdeenshire Council leader Councillor Gillian Owen has reflected on the past 12 months in her end of year message.
SSEN Transmission has submitted a planning application to Aberdeenshire Council for the Greens 400kV substation project near New Deer.
Controversial plans for a new crematorium near Daviot are at risk of being thrown out as councillors claimed it was simply “in the wrong place”.
People are being urged to nominate ordinary folks making an extraordinary impact in their communities for the 2025 Inspiring Aberdeenshire awards.
Discussions around the future delivery of library services in a number of communities are to take place across Aberdeenshire.