A refreshed health and transport action plan for the Grampian region has been launched.
A famers’ protest against the new family farm tax has been backed by two local MPs.
Plans for a controversial new crematorium near Daviot are still on the table despite fears services could be disrupted by banging noises next door.
An offshore firm has announced the opening of its new office in Texas following a fourfold increase in its equipment for the Americas.
Residents of Aberdeenshire are being urged to dispose of batteries and vapes safely.
A local authority has published the outcomes from the town centre health checks which were carried out across its region last year.
The A90 is set to benefit from a £942,000 investment that will deliver improvements to the road surface.
Banffshire and Buchan Coast MSP Karen Adam’s latest column outlines the need for a long-term plan for the region.
Clan Cancer Support will celebrate the golden age of Hollywood at its annual ball this year.
A pipe band has organised a fundraising appeal so it can take part in the New York City Tartan Day Parade next year.