Aberdeenshire Council has been urged to put a “little bit more thought” into its plan to scrap gifts for residents marking special celebrations.
Authorities should consider “all legal and political options” to help St Giles Centre workers left fearing for their jobs, trade unionists have said.
It has been a busy year for a Buckie based Community Hub - with an even more challenging 2025 in the offing.
Banff councillor John Cox has joined Reform UK.
Aberdeenshire Council’s plan to save £500,000 by leasing out part of its Woodhill House HQ has been dashed after NHS Grampian pulled out of talks.
Huntly’s biggest-ever Christmas Eve Tractor Run has been celebrated by the event’s organiser.
The closure of a shopping centre could lead to the shutting of businesses.
The closure of Moray’s largest shopping centre will “take the heart out of the town”, shoppers have said.
Businesses have been told to vacate St Giles shopping centre.
The year just gone has been one to remember for the young members of a volunteer-run swimming club.