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Number of women playing football and rugby in Scotland doubles

By Kirsty Brown

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The number of women in Scotland playing either rugby union or football has nearly doubled in the past five years, according to new figures.

In 2015 9,286 women were playing football in Scotland – now it is 17,230, an increase of 85 percent

Similarly, rugby union participation was sitting at 3,932 in 2015 but is now up to 7,030 - an increase of 78 percent.

The figures released by the Scottish Parliament’s Information Centre (SPICe), show a marked increase in participation in both sports between season 2018/19 and 2019/20 with rugby union and football seeing membership increase by more than a fifth in just one year.

A number of sports have also seen an increase in participation levels in the past year, including basketball, hockey and cricket.

MSP Emma Harper
MSP Emma Harper

Commenting, MSP and deputy convener of Health and Sport committee Emma Harper said: “I am very pleased to see such an increase in the number of women taking up some of Scotland’s most popular sports – especially football and rugby union.

“The increase in the number of women taking part in sport is in no small part to the greater exposure it has had in the past few years.

"We have seen success with Shelley Kerr leading the Scotland women’s team to the World Cup in 2018 and with qualification for the women’s rugby union world championships being expanded it gives us great hope we’ll see Scotland on the international stage again.

“2020 has been a tough year for sports, but the funding package recently announced by the SNP Government will help sports get back on their feet.

“I hope the upward trajectory for Scottish sport continues in the future and women and girls continue to be inspired to take part.”

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