Give warm home discount to off-grid people, Richard Thomson MP says
A NORTH east MP has called for an energy benefit to be given to those living off-grid.
Gordon MP Richard Thomson has said that the UK Government's Warm Home Discount Scheme should include those without traditional energy contracts.
Mr Thomson said: “I welcome the introduction of this new scheme insofar as it goes.
"I have asked several times now in Parliament how the UK Government is going to ensure that ‘off-grid’ energy customers are not left behind in any schemes put in place to mitigate the increasing costs being faced by consumers."
The Warm Home Discount Scheme aims to provide energy bill rebates worth £150 to over 280,000 low income and vulnerable households during winter, when they need it most.
The scheme uses standard electricity and gas bills to calculate the size of rebate, leaving those with different arrangements in doubt.
Mr Thomson MP said: “I therefore wrote to the Energy Minister upon the announcement of this latest scheme and, while he responded that those without a domestic electricity contract would not be eligible, the Minister confirmed that other options are being looked at for providing support to ‘off-grid’ customers.
“This is a positive statement and I shall be maintaining a watching brief on the issue to ensure that my constituents who fall into that category are not left behind.”
In a written response to Mr Thomson, Minister of State for Energy Greg Hands MP said: “I am grateful to you for raising this matter.
"The Government is aware that not all households have electricity provided through a domestic electricity supply contract.
"Households without a domestic electricity supply contract are not eligible for the Scheme and we are exploring options for other ways in which they might receive similar support.”