Police raid on Keith croft turned up cannabis farm instead of weapons
A RAID on a remote croft near Keith by police who were looking for firearms, found a cannabis farm instead.
When officers gained access they found no weapons but remnants of cannabis plants.
The search happened on August 22, 2022 at Moss-side Croft.
Fiscal depute Robert Weir told Sheriff Robert Frazer that further investigation led them to an outbuilding where they could hear humming and could smell cannabis.
"There was also a CCTV camera fitted to the outside and the outhouse was locked." Mr Weir added.
He said that police then obtained a drugs search warrant and once inside they found two large tents with a total of 101 cannabis plants at various stages of maturity.
Their total value ranged from £20,200 to £81,210.
It led to the arrest of 31-year-old Andrew Savage of Cumming Street, Keith who admitted to officers at an interview, where a responsible adult was present, that he was growing the drug for other people.
Savage admitted being concerned in the production of cannabis and had sentence deferred until August 14 for a background report.
Defence solicitor Stephen Carty reserved his plea of mitigation until then and his client had his bail continued.