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MSP to step down from her role as an Aberdeenshire councillor

By David Porter

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Following her election as the MSP for Banffshire and Buchan Coast earlier this month, Karen Adam has made the decision to step back from her role as councillor for Mid-Formartine.

Ms Adam has been a Mid-Formartine councillor since 2017.

Commenting on her decision, Ms Adam said: “Following my election to the Scottish Parliament, I have made the decision to step down from my role as a councillor for Mid-Formartine.

“Representing the area since 2017 has been an absolute honour and a privilege.

"My constituents have been fantastic, and I have endeavoured to help and support everyone in the ward to the very best of my abilities.

"I would also like to pay tribute to the ward community groups as well as council staff who have all contributed to my ability to support my constituents in Mid-Formartine and not least through the difficult times we have endured.

“After a month of careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that my focus should be entirely on my role as the MSP for Banffshire and Buchan Coast and I feel that the people living in Mid-Formartine deserve a full time representative as their councillor.

“Some politicians are able to successfully carry out both roles as a councillor and MSP, however, I have been very open about my commitments as a parent and carer.

"As always, individual circumstances play a part in any decision such as this.

“Whoever the people of Mid-Formartine choose to elect, I wish them the very best in representing the people in the ward to the best of their ability.”

Councillor Gwyneth Petrie, leader of the SNP Group in Aberdeenshire, added: “The group were delighted to see Karen elected as an MSP, and we very much look forward to seeing her progress in that role.

“We are, of course, disappointed to see Karen leave the group – she has been an integral and valued member, and will be a huge miss.

"We do, however, recognise that this is the best decision for Karen, and her personal circumstances.

"We wish her all the best for the future, and look forward to continuing to work with her, albeit in a different way.”

It is now expected that a date for a by-election will be confirmed by the council in the near future.

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