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Methlick Scout Group look back on a year's worth of lockdown meetings

On March 16 2020 the Scouts Association made the decision to suspend all face-to-face activities and now one year on Methlick Scout Group have continued to deliver the same fun and excitement but now through young people’s computer screens.

Through volunteers keeping it going, this support has helped young people’s wellbeing during the pandemic by delivering some action packed online activities.

They have taken part in a world record attempt at camping, hiked to the moon to raise money for the BBC’s Children in Need and Comic Relief - supported by celebrities like Tim Peake and Bear Grylls - cooked up plenty of storms in their kitchens and they even delivered a whopping 147kg in food donations to the Trussell Trust Foodbank before Christmas as part of a region wide drive.

Methlick Scouts have been enjoying a year of virtual activities.
Methlick Scouts have been enjoying a year of virtual activities.

More recently they’ve raced around their homes on scavenger hunts, held sectional Burn’s Night suppers virtually, been in Harry Potter break out rooms, made arm pit fudge, played Bingo and Pictionary, attended a Nationwide talk by Mollie Hughes – Scouts Scotland president on her polar adventures, and had a virtual Founders' Day.

There is now light at the end of the tunnel following updated guidance from the Scottish Government and Youthlike, with the movement announcing a return to face to face activities.

To begin with this will be held outdoors with a greatly reduced capacity, as Scout groups across Scotland will follow a gradual phrased return to a form of normality.

Member Andrew (16) said: “I have been able to have social contact with my friends which has helped my mental health.”

Scout James (13) said: “Scouting has helped me during lockdown because I have been able to see my friends and actually be able to do things like different Zoom activities.”

Methlick Scouts have been enjoying a year of virtual activities.
Methlick Scouts have been enjoying a year of virtual activities.

Lead volunteer Keith Hewitt said: “2020 was our centenary year but with the restrictions physical celebrations had to be postponed, so we’ll have a bit of catch up on!

"I really welcome the recent updated YouthLink Scotland guidance, it means we can now conduct activities outdoors all be it with a highly-reduced capacity.

"None of this could be done without our phenomenal leaders who have gone the extra mile to deliver Scouting in difficult times.

"Thank you to all our volunteers and young people for being amazing during this awful time.”

Anybody interested in learning more about joining Scouts or becoming a local volunteer can visit: www.methlickscouts.org.uk or check out 1st Methlick Scout Group on Facebook!

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