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Kemnay riverside footpath repair and upgrade completed

A popular Kemnay footpath has reopened this week following repair works after damage from flooding.

The riverside footpath is well used by residents, providing a place for a quiet walk in the village, taking in the views and wildlife along the River Don.

However, winter storms and flooding in 2022 and 2023 damaged the path, washing away the top surface and leaving the rocky base exposed.

Councillor Sam Payne at the newly repaired footpath.
Councillor Sam Payne at the newly repaired footpath.

Following the repair work, the footpath has been widened to two metres and tarred, making it a smoother walk and more accessible to all.

Drainage channels have also been installed, adding to the resilience of the path, so that if the river floods, it is less likely to wash away.

West Garioch councillor Sam Payne said: "This is a fantastic outcome for the village, with the path now more accessible for all residents to enjoy as we approach spring.”

“The path is well used by the local community, whether it be the local walking group, parents with pushchairs, runners, or those walking their dog.

“Having visited the footpath in the immediate aftermath of the damage in the winter of 2022/23, I am glad my campaign for it to be repaired has now been completed. My thanks go to the officer team for undertaking the work.”

MP Andrew Bowie said: “The riverside path has been sorely missed since much of it was swept away more than a year ago.

"The money from Aberdeenshire Council will mean it’s not just going to be restored but will be an improvement, protected against severe weather events in the future.

"It’s lovely that residents and visitors to the village will be able to enjoy a beautiful and peaceful walk along the Don, once again.”

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