Kate Forbes says 'this election is about independence' not religion
Kate Forbes has issued a statement on social media to say that ‘this election is about independence and the society we want Scotland to be’ after days of scrutiny about her religious views.
The SNP MSP, who announced her bid for party leadership on Monday, has faced an intense reaction from the public and other party members due to her views on same-sex marriage and abortion.
Her statement today says she ‘will defend to the hilt the rights of everybody in Scotland, particularly minorities, to live and to love without fear’ and that it was ‘never [her] intention’ to cause harm.
She reiterated that ‘it is possible to be a person of faith, and to defend others’ rights to have no faith or a different faith.’
The Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch MSP's full statement reads: “This election is about independence, and who is best equipped, and who has the best plan to achieve it. It is also about the society we want Scotland to be – where tolerance is the ruling ethic, differences are welcomed, fairness is the norm, equality of opportunity is the birth right of every child, poverty becomes history, and the rule of law applies to everyone.
“Every leader’s identity is multifaceted – I am a woman, I am a Highlander, I have a faith. Of all these characteristics, the questions over the last few days have focused on my religious faith. I feel greatly burdened that some of my responses to questions in the media have caused hurt, which was never my intention as I sought to answer questions clearly. I will defend to the hilt the rights of everybody in Scotland, particularly minorities, to live and to love without fear or harassment in a pluralistic and tolerant society. I will uphold the laws that have been hard won, as a servant of democracy, and seek to enhance the rights of everybody to live in a way which enables them to flourish. I firmly believe in the inherent dignity of each human being; that underpins all ethical and political decisions I make.
“Over the last six years, in frontline politics, I have served and represented all my constituents. In the full knowledge of my faith, voters in Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch elected me with one of the biggest majorities in Scotland in 2021. That demonstrates that voters were comfortable knowing that I would serve them faithfully and without prejudice. Since 2018, I have served in Government, making financial decisions for the benefit of all of Scotland’s people. It is possible to be a person of faith, and to defend others’ rights to have no faith or a different faith.
“Independence will be achieved by the combination of good governance at Holyrood and the party members doing their job in the development of policy.
“Good governance means meeting the day-to-day needs of the people, while the party draws upon the experience of its members in producing the policies that will convince our nation that its future lies in being sovereign.
“Good effective governance means delivering economic growth, without which we cannot raise the living standards of those on low wages, meet our needs in the NHS and other vital public services, deliver the education our children deserve, ensure our elderly live in dignity, and what our communities need in modern roads and transport. Good governance is also political. Deliver it, and more and more people will come to believe in us, and in what we promise to deliver with independence.
"But those of us who are MSPs and MPs, are not the sole source of ideas. Being elected doesn’t mean we are intellectually superior to the ordinary party members, or know more than they do. The role of the party – its members – is crucial to our success. Our membership is large. Our members are in constant contact with their fellow citizens. They know, better than anyone, what motivates those who support independence, and what holds back others whose support we need. In short they are in touch. Our members have experience and talent. Central to my plan is that they become more engaged in policymaking than ever before.
"We need a raft of policies that would be implemented from day one of independence. Policies that give answers to the main questions we shall be asked by the people. The party making policy through a number of key committees would not exclude ministers, MSPs and MPs, as they have much to contribute. But so have the ordinary members, and it is their hand on policy that I want.
"This is election is a moment in Scotland’s history in which our members have to make a momentous decision. Change but no change will not meet the needs of this time. Change to make a difference is what I am offering."