Patient visiting rules relaxed at Buckie's Muirton Ward
MUIRTON Ward at Buckie's Seafield Hospital is taking part in a trial to relax the rules surrounding the number of visitors a patient can have.
From today (Wednesday, April 20) more hospitals and wards across NHS Grampian moved to person-centred visiting, meaning in these clinical are as there is now an opportunity for patients to have an increased number of visitors per day.
The number of visitors permitted will be determined following a discussion between each patient and their clinical team. This will include consideration of the environment of the clinical setting and the number of people that can be safely accommodated within the area.
Lyn Pirie, Nurse Lead for Person-Centred Visiting, said: “The benefits of in-person visiting for both patients and their relatives are well known.
"I am delighted the trial extension we began in early March has gone so well and that additional wards and hospitals are moving to person-centred visiting. I must stress how important it is for relatives or friends to discuss any changes to their plans with the Senior Charge Nurse before making those changes.
"If anyone has a loved one being cared for in one of the areas not listed, they must continue to follow the current arrangements of no more than two visitors daily.
“I want to say a big ‘thank-you’ to the people of Grampian for their support and understanding as we work to fully reinstate person-centred visiting.”
Joining Muirton Ward in enjoying extended visiting are: Wards 102, 109, 112, and 114, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary; Paediatrics – RACH and Dr Gray’s Hospital; Ward 4, Dr Gray’s Hospital; Roxburghe House; Woodend Hospital (all wards); Rosewell House; All Aberdeenshire community hospitals.
All visitors are reminded of the part they have to play in minimising the risk from Covid-19 and other infections. They should not visit if they are at all unwell. This includes things like vomiting and/or diarrhoea, as well as the symptoms of any respiratory infection such as coughing, sneezing, fever, sore throat and muscle aches.
Fluid repellent surgical masks are available at the entrances to all hospitals, and these should be used instead of fabric face coverings. Frequent hand hygiene should be carried out, either with hand gel or water and soap. If visitors are asked to wait before entering the bay/room in the clinical ward, they are asked to do safely and minimise any congregating at entrances and such like.