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Trust members have 'heads in the sand'

It beggars belief that Ian Hardie, chairman of Banff and Macduff Community Trust, is at it again.

He has stated in a newspaper that he proposes to have more community consultation meetings regarding the two wind turbines the Trust is proposing to develop.

After the first consultation meeting in Banff, I am very surprised that Mr Hardie is still standing as chairman. The feedback was 100% against these turbines, as they would affect everyone in the two small communities where they are proposed.

Mr Hardie is the most thick-skinned individual I have had the misfortune to come across. He was verbally battered at the last meeting, and left with no doubt about our community feelings.

He is not listening. Even the energy consultants were disgusted by the way in which the whole process so far had been handled.

The feasibility study he had done was started in 2009, and yet none of us was informed until early May of this year. A copy of the feasibility study, along with several other documents, has been requested by my neighbour, which to date have not been received.

The Culvie community were to have a further meeting two days after the aforementioned, but we were

asked if we could postpone that as after such negative feedback board members were to have their own meeting in order to reconsider such plans.

We were to be informed when our meeting was to be rescheduled, and guess what... we are still waiting. And once again, we have to read of developments in a newspaper. So much for Mr Hardie’s community involvement.

Who is Mr Hardie responsible to? And where are the other board members of this community trust? Either they don’t actually exist, or do not want to associate themselves with Mr Hardie’s plans, as not one of them has ever responded to any of our correspondence.

Trust members are living with their heads firmly stuck in the sand, it would seem.

Aberdeenshire Council has been as useful as a chocolate fireguard regarding giving out any information. No-one, it would appear, seems to know anything. I live in hope of being kept up to date with information.

Yours etc,


Springfield Croft,


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