Turriff Academy roof work to close roads in town
With work currently under way on a partial roof upgrade at Turriff Academy, road closures will be put in place over the coming months.
The improvements will be progressing across multiple sections of the school to replace insulation, roofing membrane, fascias and rainwater goods over the next few months – completion is expected to be in April.
An Aberdeenshire Council spokesperson said: “Road users should note that to provide contractors with safe access, the following traffic restrictions are being put in place.
“Phase 1 - From now until February 28, there will be a westbound lane closure of Victoria Terrace and ‘no waiting’ from Dawson Court to Queens Road.
“The lane closure diversion is via School Hill, High Street and Queens Road.
“Phase 2 - School Lane will be closed from February 3 until April 27, with a further area of ‘no waiting’ on School Hill from either side of its junction with Clifton Road.”