Aberdeenshire Council confirms festive arrangements for essential services
The opening arrangements for Aberdeenshire Council over the festive fortnight have been confirmed, with essential services continuing throughout.
Aberdeenshire Council’s telephone lines and face-to-face offices will be closed during the public holidays on Wednesday, December 25 and Thursday, December 26 as well as on Wednesday, January 1 and Thursday, January 2.
Phone lines and face-to-face offices will also close at 4pm on Tuesday, December 24 and Tuesday, December 31.
Normal opening hours for the customer services team are from 8.45am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Phone numbers and office details for services can be found at www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/contact-us/contact-by-phone/
People can check opening times of council offices before making a trip at www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/contact-us/reach-a-council-office/
The out of hours emergency service is available 5pm to 8.45am weekdays, and all weekend:
Housing repairs and dangerous buildings, 03456 08 12 03
Homelessness, 03456 08 12 06
Social work, 03456 08 12 06
If the emergency or crisis is life threatening, call 999. For people worried about someone who is ill, call NHS 24 on 111.
For more emergency contact details visit www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/contact-us/emergency-contacts/
All sports centres and ski centres will be closed on Wednesday, December 25 and Thursday, December 26 as well as on Wednesday, January 1 and Thursday, January 2.
Libraries will be closed from Monday, December 23 to Friday, January 3. Library opening hours will be different during the festive season so people should check the updated schedule to plan their visit.
For the full list of festive opening times, visit https://www.livelifeaberdeenshire.org.uk/sport-and-physical-activity/festive-opening-hours/
Customers should contact sites on their direct number or send an email enquiry to llacustomerservice@aberdeenshire.gov.uk
Live Life Aberdeenshire also offers access to warm and welcoming spaces where people can have a free shower, use Wi-Fi and charge their device.
More details about cost of living support and other warm spaces are available on Aberdeenshire Council’s website at the www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/communities-and-events/cost-of-living/ webpage