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Aberdeenshire community council nomination deadline nears

There is still time for residents to step forward to join their local community council as the deadline for nomination approaches.

Community councils are voluntary groups made up of people who care about their towns and villages and want to make them a better place to live.

Organisations in the Banffshire area can apply for the community fund. It has supported almost 40,000 unique projects across the UK since its launch in 2016.
Organisations in the Banffshire area can apply for the community fund. It has supported almost 40,000 unique projects across the UK since its launch in 2016.

Almost 70 community councils in Aberdeenshire are seeking nominations to ensure the future of their groups as the area moves to a single election date for the first time.

Leader of Aberdeenshire Council Councillor Gillian Owen said: “Community councils have been working hard locally to maintain and encourage membership, and several have already achieved enough interest to ensure they can continue their good work.

“However, some groups don’t yet have enough nominations to ensure their viability, so I would encourage anybody considering stepping forward to do so before the deadline this weekend.”

Deputy Leader Councillor Anne Stirling said: “Having a community council in your area really does provide a strong local voice that can play an important part in decision-making.

“It would be unfortunate to see any of our community councils fall short of their minimum memberships, so I would say to anybody who can spare just a few hours a month to please consider stepping forward.”

Community councillors will be provided with training and ongoing support from Aberdeenshire Council. Nominations must be submitted by the end of Sunday, September 8.

Visit www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/nominate for further information, including the nomination form and guidance.

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