Banff Bridge consultation to be held focusing on forthcoming work
Land and marine areas at Banff Bridge are being prepared to be developed for the installation of scour protection measures in the River Deveron.
In advance of a forthcoming application for a marine licence associated with the work, which includes land at Greenbanks, Aberdeenshire Council will be holding a public pre-application consultation on Monday, September 30 at Deveron Community and Sports Centre on Bellevue Road, Banff, from 1pm-7.30pm.
The proposed development comprises installation of scour protection measures in the riverbed of the River Deveron at Banff Bridge, with measures including rock-filled mattresses which will extend up to 20 metres upstream and downstream of the existing bridge piers.
The application for a marine licence for these measures includes removal of existing rock armour surrounds to the existing bridge pier aprons - including the riverbed - and installation of rock-filled mattresses which will be fixed in place using ground anchors drilled into the riverbed.
An Aberdeenshire Council spokesman said: “Anyone wishing to make comments on the proposed development should do so by September 27, 2024 to Aberdeenshire Council, Environment and Infrastructure, Roads and Infrastructure (Structures Section), Woodhill House, Westburn Road, Aberdeen, AB16 5GB or email
“Any comments made during this pre-application stage are to Aberdeenshire Council as the prospective applicant and are not representations to Marine Scotland Licencing Operations Team.
“Upon submission of a formal Marine Licence application to Marine Scotland Licensing Operations Team, there will be periods within which to make formal representations to the regulatory authority.”